Team:Paris Bettencourt/Protocols

Analytical digestion protocol

  • Prepare the following mix:
    • 2µL 10X Digestion buffer
    • 0.5µL Eco31I
    • 0.5µL BbsI
    • 2µL of DNA (200ng)
    • 15µL water
  • incubate 1h at 37°C

Annealing Protocol

  • Phosphorylation of the oligos
    • 5.6μL DNAse/RNAse free water
    • 6.0μL oligo 1 (10µM)
    • 6.0μL oligo 2 (10µM)
    • 2.0μL 10X T4 DNA ligase buffer
    • 0.4μL T4 PolyNucleotide Kinase
    • Total: 20μL
  • incubate 30min at 37°C
  • add 1μL of 1M NaCl
  • incube 5min at 95°C
  • let the mix cool down
  • use 2μL of the mix as a 10X solution

Chemical test for competent cells

  • 20-30 sec at 8-10 krpm for the DNA tube (from the kit).
  • Thow cell competent on ice. Label 2 ml eppendorf µtube for each concentration and put it on ice.
  • Add 1µl of DNA into each µtube.
  • Add 50µl of competent cell into each tube. Flick gently to mix. Incubate in ice for 30 minutes. Pre-heat waterbath at 42°C.
  • Heat-shock cell by placing in waterbath 1 minute. CAUTION : The top need to be close to the water level, but not immerge in.
  • Keep back the tube to ice for 5 minutes.
  • Add 200µl of SOC media, incubate 37°C for 2h. Prepare agar plate of the media that you want, and label it (3 plate for each concentration).
  • Add 20µl of each tube n the appropriate plate. Incubate 37°C for OVN (12-16h).


  • Thaw electrocompetent cells on ice
  • Add 2µL of ligation product or 0.5µL of native plasmid to the cells
  • Transfer the cells in an 0.2mm electroporation cuvette
  • put the cuvette in the electroporation device and pulse the cells at 2.5kV, 200 Ohms and 25µF
  • add 200µL of LB right after pulsing
  • recover 2 hours at 37°C
  • plate 200µL and 50µL of the cells on LB + erythromycin (200µg/mL), incubate overnight at 37°C

Electrocompetent Cells

  • Inoculate two 250mL LB flasks with 100µL of an overnight culture of DH5α
  • Incubate until the the DO600 reach 0.5 to 0.7
  • Place the cultures on ice for 15 minutes
  • For the culture in cold sterile 50mL falcon tubes
  • Centrifuge them for 10 minutes at 6000rpm
  • Throw the supernatant
  • Resuspend the cells in 50mL cold distilled water
  • Centrifuge them for 10 minutes at 6000rpm
  • Throw the supernatant
  • Resuspend the cells in 25mL cold distilled water
  • Centrifuge them for 10 minutes at 6000rpm
  • Throw the supernatant
  • Resuspend the cells in 12.5mL cold 10% glycerol
  • Centrifuge them for 10 minutes at 6000rpm
  • Throw the supernatant
  • Resuspend the cells in 5mL cold 10% glycerol
  • Make aliquots of the desire volume in microcentrifuge tubes and freeze them at -80°C